Google adds new privacy controls to Google Workspace and Google Chat

Google has recently introduced new privacy controls for Google Workspace and Google Chat, which are designed to give users more control over their data and communications. With these new features, users can have more control over who can see their messages and who can access their data.

One of the main features of these new privacy controls is the ability to restrict chat history retention. This means that users can now choose to retain chat history for a specific period of time or not at all, providing more control over who can access their conversations. Additionally, users can now also delete messages from their chat history in both one-to-one and group chats, giving them the ability to remove conversations that they no longer want to keep.

Another feature is the ability to disable external guests from joining a chat. This is particularly useful for businesses that want to ensure that only employees have access to conversations and data. Users can also block people from contacting them, which is particularly useful for individuals who are receiving unwanted messages or spam.

Google has also introduced new controls that allow users to decide whether they want to be added to a group chat or not. With this new feature, users can choose to approve or decline group chat invitations, ensuring that they only participate in conversations that they want to be a part of. Furthermore, Google has also added the ability to mute notifications from specific chat threads or users, giving users more control over their communication experience.

Overall, these new privacy controls are a welcome addition to Google Workspace and Google Chat, and they will no doubt be appreciated by users who value their privacy and want to have more control over their data and conversations. With these new features, Google is taking steps to address some of the concerns around privacy and security that have been raised in recent years, and this can only be a good thing for both businesses and individuals alike.