Amazon’s Return To Office Plan for Three Days a Week

With most businesses transitioning to a working-from-home setup in 2020 and the everlasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organisations have been forced to re-evaluate the traditional office model. Companies like Amazon, one of the most successful organisations worldwide, have been working on a new plan for a return to the office—but with some modifications that could be a major game-changer.

This week, Amazon released details of their imminent return to office plans that will see employees return to the office three days a week. Amazon has revealed that this hybrid approach to working is a response to the ever-evolving challenges presented by the pandemic, as well as the shift in attitudes towards working habits. The move is set to begin in June, with the plan being trialed in six offices across the United States and the United Kingdom.

The plan is that employees will be able to return to the office for a three-day workweek, while the remaining two days will continue to be done from home. The days of the week that have been decided for office work have not been disclosed, as Amazon has stated that every team will decide which days are best for them. The idea behind this approach is to give employees more flexibility and ensure that their home and office environments are not only safe but also suitable for their individual needs.

A key motivation for this move is that many employees have been reporting issues with their current home setup—including decreased collaboration, strained relationships, and distractions from family and other obligations that have arisen since the transition. With these factors in mind, Amazon believes that their hybrid approach will help to alleviate some of these issues, as well as allowing employees to continue to access the necessary resources they need to work effectively.

In addition to the physical office locations, Amazon has also announced that they will be launching virtual hubs. These hubs will be designed to connect teams and allow them to be closer in proximity even when they are working from different locations. This is set to help teams collaborate more effectively, as well as create a more cohesive work environment.

Amazon’s move to a hybrid working setup is the latest example of how organisations are adapting to the ongoing pandemic and the shift in employee attitudes towards the workplace. With many businesses reevaluating the traditional office model, this new approach could be a major trend for the future of work. It is likely that other companies will follow in Amazon’s footsteps and begin to adopt similar hybrid approaches to their offices.

This hybrid approach to working could be beneficial for both employees and organisations in terms of efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. For employees, it could give them the work-life balance they need to thrive in their day-to-day tasks, while for organisations it could result in better team performance and fewer distractions during important projects.

Overall, the move towards the hybrid working model is one of the consequences of COVID-19 that may be here to stay. As many businesses seek to shift to a more spread out, flexible working environment, organisations such as Amazon are paving the way with their new implementation of the three-days-a-week office concept. With the potential of increased efficiency and productivity, this could be the way of the future for many organisations.

Query for Cover Image from Unsplash: Working from home lifestyle